This has been a really rough couple of days, little one. You’ve gotten your dad and me up several times during the night, apparently very upset and hurting from your teeth coming through. You’re not eating or drinking well, and I hate seeing you so sad, even if it’s not constant.
Last night you were so distraught it seemed that all you ultimately wanted was to be cuddled. So I held you and sang to you, and you fixated on my eyes and eventually calmed down. It was precious, and while I don’t handle the waking very well, the quiet minutes (or hours) are beautiful to me. You haven’t let me cuddle you that way for quite awhile… It reminded me of how tiny you used to be.
Tonight we’re trying a concoction: baby acetaminophen, plus warm chamomile tea on a cloth. You also seemed to like your frozen pacifier.
You’re asleep now. The cloth, soaked in more tea, is in the freezer in case you need it during the night.
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